Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Valdez-Land of Water Falls, Ice & Oil

People kept telling us to go to Valdez, so we added a day to our schedule & it was worth it.

There was "Old Valdez" before Valdez.  The 64 earthquake & tsunami destroyed the old town.  So they moved a few miles down & built on granite.  There is literally nothing left.  A few people moved their houses & most rebuilt as well as the harbor.  After everyone was relocated, they burned the old
place to the ground to avoid squatters.

We visited 2 museums

The old lighthouse light above

All acreage in Valdez was in 9 glass
cases done in complete detail on "N"
scale .  The oil storage in these tanks,
 all the businesses & individual homes.

Steve is going to hunt some huge bear!

We headed for outside, & saw 2 beautiful
waterfalls right off the road.

 Bridal Veil Falls
Horsetail Falls

Downtown Harbor

 An oil tanker came in. This is where all the oil in the pipeline comes in.

We went out the Dayville road & saw Sea Lions & a salmon fish hatchery.  They fertilize about 400,000 eggs every month.

The babies are sent out after a year down the river. They come back the 2nd year by memory to spawn.

The fish are jumping
 This was exciting.  We actually saw
Icebergs at Valdez glacier that were on
The lake

 Valdez Glacier

Here's the sea lions

We stopped at the sign on the way
out& got a pic of a small waterfall.

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